Transpersonal Systemic Psychology and Family Constellations

The systemic -transpersonal- approach allows you to work with different situations in the (family) system to transcend emotions, learn, forgive and heal family relationships.

One of the techniques is to identify bonds and/or relationships that cause painful feelings or situations, as well as to work on problems whose roots lie in the family, are the family constellations.

I accompany you using this tool to make you aware -to see in a visual way- the dynamics of family relationships, and thus consciously observe certain bonds (unconscious negatives) that cause painful feelings, of which sometimes we do not know the root or cause and which we don't know how to correct either. From the constellations, we can consciously work to heal the root cause of many of the problems, feelings or painful sensations that you are living or experiencing.

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In everyone's life we ​​can be given circumstances that are repeated. These anchors on many occasions lead the person to present behaviors or experience negative situations repeatedly. You can also present or experience pain and suffering that are repeated and manifest with different faces at various times in life.

Sometimes we also have the feeling of experiencing events as if they were very painful, when they really are not that important. It is possible that we live in situations of exaggeration, where emotions are amplified and that is where we see the importance of releasing family patterns and loyalties, which are harmful and prevent us from living fully.

Sometimes we assume roles that do not correspond to us, this can be seen when, because of a deep love, a child or an adult, they can sacrifice their own interests and take as their own the pain or the role that does not correspond to them, trying to alleviate the suffering of the mother, father or another member of the family (family loyalties).

The technique also helps us to reconcile and give the correct order to each member of the family (orders of love), to recognize the appropriate role of each one of them (in an experimental way), the hidden dynamics of a family and its relationships.

These and other family dynamics can be made visible and conscious in a constellation, opening the space to free ourselves from those patterns that prevent us from being in our own lives, and thus be able to live in a more conscious, free and satisfactory way.

A family constellation is a process that has historically been carried out by several professionals in a group, but which is currently also being carried out in private and individual sessions, using small figures that represent the family system that the person wants to constellate; it can be advanced in a face-to-face session or also at a distance (virtual).

In private sessions, it is done with figures that represent various people or situations that are part of what is being presented in the person or in various members of the family.

In a constellation you can work with one or several family members (who is consulting) or with people present in the group or audience or with figures and/or anchors that represent the family system.

Bert Hellinger was a German psychotherapist who developed this method in the mid-90s, becoming the father of this technique. Throughout his work he helped families for over fifty years. Hellinger realized that many people unconsciously use destructive family patterns that lead to experiencing depression, anxiety, guilt, frustration, addictions and even developing an illness as a way of feeling belonging to the family, which is called "family loyalties"- .

According to Hellinger, the energy we are dealing with here is primarily that of the soul. One of the great results is that it allows each member of the system to find their place in the group, through healthy and respectful connections.

From the family constellations, the individual is the one who, from his own sensations, understands what is the true place and role he occupies in his family, as well as his possibilities and limits in it. Additionally, the other members of the family group (represented by other people or figures), automatically also show their soul, which helps the person understand the image and interrelationship they have with them.

In some cases, a constellation of the person's internal system is necessary or it is also identified that a constellation is not necessary, but rather a systemic transpersonal image consultation with small figures. So the figures can also be used to work on a configuration of the family systemic image (from the transpersonal approach). In this way, in my accompaniment as a systemic-transpersonal coach, what needs to be worked on is identified in each case and the respective techniques, tools and protocols are applied.

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