Some thoughts prevent you from experiencing happiness

Some Thoughts Prevent You from Experiencing Happiness

We all want to be happy but few work for it. We believe that our happiness is the responsibility of the outside, first of our parents and the circumstances in which we grew up and then of the luck that is born with some and is denied to others. So we are victims of circumstances, and the outside or someone there is guilty of me not happiness.

It is easier to be a victim, to blame others, to be envious of the fate of others who certainly do not deserve but I do, and it is also more convenient to complain than to work and experience what I want.

Many times it is easier for me to continue in this circle of victim and complaint, of envy towards others, than to work and make an effort to experience what I want to live.

Taking the step to be happy is taking responsibility, it's being an adult, it's growing up, it's working for it, and it's getting out of my comfort zone.

Fear can also arise if I allow myself to experience happiness, since fear of the unknown arises, of what is unfamiliar to me, and I better decide to stay in the same circle. Fear of loss can also arise, of having what you want and then losing it; so I protect myself and stay where I am so I don't take risks, and I don't lose.

If you're not ready, that's fine too. From every process we learn, and one day you will be so tired or something will come up that will make you leave the circle and work.

When you decide to work to experience non-temporary happiness, then you must have the will for it.

Then you answer if you want to be happy, and the will to be happy arises in you. And now that? You have the will. And now that?

Now is to synchronize your thoughts with what you want to live. Is it giving you a space with yourself to ask yourself who you are? What do you want? It is giving you the opportunity and the permission to decide what you want, and at the same time to write down what comes up while you think or elaborate it. There is valuable information there, because fears and excuses spring up there that let you see what is in your mind, what limits you. Write them down as they come up, and leave them on paper for now. Keep flying and allowing yourself to conclude what you want or how you want to see yourself if all those limitations or fears were not present.

Knowing what you want, and having identified limitations and excuses, then on a daily basis be aware of the thoughts that are in you, and evaluate if they support what you want to live or if, on the contrary, they limit you. Be aware of your thoughts daily, and be synchronizing them with what you want to live.

That what you want to live is possible or real is not the important thing now, the essential thing is that you know what you want, that you have identified fears, excuses and limitations. That you know which are the enemies that live in your mind to achieve what you want, and that in this process you are learning from yourself; that many things are sprouting that are opportunities to heal and free yourself from your own mental enemies.

Already with this process you are winning, you are becoming aware, you are waking up from the matrix that is in your mind; you are emptying your mind of what does not work, and you are beginning to fill it with what does work for you.

It is also accepting that where you are is where you wanted to be, and that if you want something different, then you must build it, you must work for it.

You are no longer growing vegetables when what you want is fruit. You are already aware of what you want to sow, but first you have to clear the land and smooth it to sow; then later if you can sow and later reap the harvest. All this requires time, patience, acceptance, work, will and persistence.

It is at the same time being aware that everything that arises along the way is part of the experience, it is accepting it as it is presented. This process is also to learn about yourself and take every opportunity that life gives to heal what is sprouting, and learn to love yourself and love others unconditionally, as well as serving them with humility.

This process allows you to work on all those values ​​and therefore you grow spiritually -which is the true goal-, true happiness.

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