

When you read this invitation of life, if it connects with you and you accept it, it is because it is an invitation for you. If not, I wonder why you are here reading this message?

Well, for those who are called by life to this exercise, we are in a moment of existence where we are starting something new, a new path opens at this moment.

And we have started a road because we have finished another.

Which path have you finished?

Get settled in a place that you feel safe and comfortable. Relax your body, feel how the muscles of your body (including the facial ones) loosen.

Please, could you close your eyes and imagine yourself before that road that has ended.

As you were? Visualize yourself. Breathe and look at yourself, feel yourself.

What sensations does it bring you to imagine that person you were at that moment in your life?

Who were you?


Feel the sensations in your body as they give you information. Don't think about them too much, don't rationalize them, just feel and breathe.

What are you doing consciously?

As you were?

How do you see yourself?

Stay there for a while with that person you see, breathe and allow yourself to feel who you were at that moment.

If you want to open your eyes, and write down or make an audio of everything that came to you, what you felt, or the people, places or emotions that came to you, do it.

You can stop here, and continue your activities, and at another time continue with the second part of the exercise, or you can continue now.

Second part of the exercise.

Breathe, relax your body, feel comfortable.

Now remind yourself entering that path that has already ended or starting that stage of your life or experience that has ended.

Why did this experience occur?

Why are you there where you are facing that experience?

feel. breathe. feel.

Is it possible to become aware of why you attracted that experience to your life?

Now you are walking. You are in the experience living it. breathe. Live it again in your mind. feel her

How do you see yourself during the experience?

If possible, become aware of the experiences and sensations during the journey. Feel yourself in the experience, perceive yourself walking, live that stage of life in your mind.

If you want, take notes or record an audio on your cell phone indicating what you feel

What comes to your mind?

Which people?

What places?

What sensations do people or what comes to you awaken in you?

Talk to people, places or experiences and thank them for what they have taught you.

Is it difficult for you to thank?

What is difficult to thank?

What is there in you to forgive?

What do you dislike, but what is it possible for you to be thankful for?

What learning are you grateful for?

What is pleasant to remember?

What did that experience teach you?

Breathe and give yourself the permission to forgive or to put in a mental box what needs to be forgiven and then forgive it when you are ready.

breathe. feel.

What are you doing consciously?

If you want, make a note, and leave the exercise there, because with the days the information that should arrive will reach you, and what has to flow in your consciousness will flow.

You can also continue the third part of the exercise now, or later, follow your feeling.

Third part of the exercise

breathe. Be comfortable. And write down your answers.

Now that that path or experience has ended or that cycle has been closed, who are you now?

How do you see yourself now?

You learned?

What did you change?

What did you leave?

What did you acquire or add to your life?

In what ways have you changed?

Who are you today?

Do you like that person you are today?

Write what that reflection left you. And now in front of what new experience do I see myself?

In what ways could it be similar to the previous one?

Am I repeating lessons?

How could it be very different?

Why am I attracting this new experience into my life?

I become aware of what flows and arises, and I leave it there.

Now I let go of all that and give myself over to what life has for me now; I continue on my way.

I say yes to life.

I allow myself to decide what I have to decide, I decide and I act.

And here the exercise ends.

I wish you all the best in this new experience that you enter more consciously and that you will enjoy more. And now you will be aware (faster) of what you should be aware of.

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